Elbrina bras

Dutch Designers Outlet has a nose for the best quality in bras you can find, and you'll notice that right away in our collection. Here you will come across all the brands that have made the Dutch lingerie industry world famous. In that list of big names, Elbrina bras definitely deserve a place. Add to that the fact that Dutch Designers Outlet, being the largest lingerie outlet in Belgium and the Netherlands, always knows how to negotiate heavy discounts on the most beautiful lingerie items and you know that you can easily get the highest quality for the lowest price!

Elbrina Johanna
Skin Non-padded bra


Elbrina Johanna
Purple Non-padded bra


Elbrina Helen
Green Non-padded bra

- 20%

Elbrina Valerie
Padded Bra

29.95 23.96
- 20%

Elbrina Helen
Pink Non-padded bra

29.99 23.99
- 20%

Elbrina Johanna
Non-padded bra

29.99 23.99
- 20%

Elbrina Johanna
White Non-padded bra

29.99 23.99
- 30%

Elbrina Johanna
Black Non-padded bra

29.99 20.99
- 30%

Elbrina Valerie
Skin Padded Bra

29.95 20.97
- 20%

Elbrina Johanna
Dark Red Non-padded bra

24.99 19.99
- 20%

Elbrina Helen
Navy BLue Non-padded bra

24.99 19.99
- 20%

Elbrina Valerie
Padded Bra

29.99 23.99
- 20%

Elbrina Helen
Brown Non-padded bra

29.95 23.96
- 20%

Elbrina Johanna
Orange Non-padded bra

29.99 23.99
- 20%

Elbrina Valerie
Red Padded Bra

29.95 23.96
- 30%

Elbrina Valerie
White Wireless Bra

29.99 20.99
- 30%

Elbrina Valerie
White Padded Bra

29.95 20.97
- 30%

Elbrina Valerie
Skin Wireless Bra

29.99 20.99
- 20%

Elbrina Valerie
Black Padded Bra

29.95 23.96
- 40%

Elbrina Valerie
Black Wireless Bra

29.99 17.99
- 20%

Elbrina Helen
Red Non-padded bra

29.99 23.99
- 20%

Elbrina Johanna
Blue Non-padded bra

29.99 23.99
- 40%

Elbrina Valerie
Skin Body

39.99 23.99
- 40%

Elbrina Valerie
Black Body

39.99 23.99
- 40%

Elbrina Valerie
White Body

39.99 23.99
- 30%

Elbrina Johanna
Non-padded bra

29.99 20.99
- 30%

Elbrina Helen
Baby Pink Non-padded bra

29.99 20.99
- 40%

Elbrina Valerie
Grey/Silver Padded Bra

29.95 17.97
- 50%

Elbrina Emma
Black Padded Bra

29.99 15.00
- 30%

Elbrina Helen
Antique Rose Non-padded bra

22.99 16.09
- 40%

Elbrina Johanna
Bordeaux Non-padded bra

22.99 13.79
- 40%
SALE - 3 is 2

Elbrina Valerie
Blue Padded Bra

29.95 17.97
- 40%

Elbrina Helen
Baby Blue Non-padded bra

29.95 17.97
- 40%

Elbrina Johanna
Green Non-padded bra

29.95 17.97
- 30%

Elbrina Liv
Skin Wireless Bra

19.99 13.99
- 30%

Elbrina Liv
White Wireless Bra

19.99 13.99
- 30%

Elbrina Liv
Black Wireless Bra

19.99 13.99
- 20%

Elbrina Eline
Skin Wireless Bra

12.99 10.39
- 40%
SALE - 3 is 2

Elbrina Valerie
Blue Padded Bra

29.95 17.97
- 20%
- 30%

Elbrina Eline
Black Wireless Bra

12.99 9.09
- 30%
SALE - 3 is 2

Elbrina Helen
Black Non-padded bra

29.95 20.97
- 17%

Elbrina Helen
Champagne Non-padded bra

29.95 24.99
- 40%
SALE - 3 is 2

An Elbrina bra for every woman

Elbrina bras exemplify what we think good lingerie should be. You wear this underwear for your comfort when it matters most. Feminine designed Elbrina bras are literally designed in all shapes and sizes, so in the Dutch Designers Outlet web store you will not only come across large size bras or push-up br as, but also special designs like nursing bras are regularly in the assortment. Elbrina bras are always produced from technical innovation and new materials, so for the latest developments in synthetic fibers, for example, you are in the right place with this brand. Still, it is mainly the stylish no-nonsense taste of Elbrina bras that wins over most women. With the discount prices Dutch Designers Outlet offers on Elbrina bras, it is almost a sin not to have tried the brand, so take a quick look.