Privacy Policy

Last updated September 23, 2019.

Privacy and security are very important. Your personal information is what you leave with us. You have to if you want to order something. But we can imagine that you would like to know why we ask for your personal information and what we do with it. If you still have questions after reading the explanation below, please contact our customer service. Good to know in advance is that we use your data exclusively for the purpose of our services. This means that the purpose of the processing is always directly related to the order you provide: the processing and sending of your order. We do not use your data for (targeted) marketing. If you share data with us and we use it to contact you at a later time - other than at your request - we will ask you explicitly for your permission. Your data will not be shared with third parties other than to fulfill accounting and other administrative obligations. These third parties are all bound to secrecy based on the agreement between them and us or an eeed or legal obligation.

Very safe
All the data you leave with us we store very safely under lock and key with the latest technology. Anyone who has nothing to do with your data simply cannot access it. If we give your data to someone else - you can read below when and why we do this - then we require that they treat your data as carefully as we do and only use it for the purpose for which they were given it. If you feel this is not happening, be sure to let us know through our customer service team.

What we do with your data
We use your data for various purposes. Below we show you which ones. We use data received from you as well as data collected by us. For example, data about your visit to our website, your IP address and surfing and search behavior stored in cookies. This data is personal data. You can read more about cookies here.

  • Web shop software
    Our web store is developed with software from WebIQ. Personal information that you make available to us for our services will be shared with this party. WebIQ has access to your data to provide us with (technical) support, they will never use your data for any other purpose. Based on the agreement we have with them, WebIQ is obliged to take appropriate security measures. These security measures consist of the application of SSL encryption and a strong password policy. WebIQ uses cookies to collect technical information regarding your use of the software, no personal data is collected and/or stored. WebIQ reserves the right to share collected data within its own group in order to further improve services.

  • Web hosting
    We purchase web hosting and email services from HostingDiscounter. HostingDiscounter processes personal data on our behalf and does not use your data for its own purposes. However, this party may collect metadata about the use of the services. This is not personal data. HostingDiscounter has taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to prevent loss and unauthorized use of your personal data. HostingDiscounter is under the agreement bound to secrecy.

  • Paying your order
    For handling (part of) the payments in our webshop we use the platform of MultiSafepay and PayPal. MultiSafepay and PayPal process your name, address and place of residence and your payment information such as your bank account or credit card number. MultiSafepay and PayPal have taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data. MultiSafepay and PayPal reserve the right to use your data to further improve the service and to share (anonymized) data with third parties for this purpose. All aforementioned guarantees regarding the protection of your personal data also apply to those parts of MultiSafepay's services for which they engage third parties. MultiSafepay and PayPal will not retain your data for longer than is permitted under the legal terms.

    Click here for the Privacy Policy of MultiSafepay.
    Click here for the Privacy Policy of PayPal.

  • Delivering your order
    For your order we need your name, e-mail, address(es), payment information and your phone number. This allows us to deliver your order and keep you informed about your order. We also give your information to others when necessary for the order; for example, to delivery services. We require the recipient of your information to treat it with the same care as we do.

    Click here for the Privacy Policy of DPD.
    Click here for the Privacy Policy of PostNL.

  • Our administration
    To keep our administration and bookkeeping, we use the services of WebIQ and GoedGepickt. We share your name, address and residence information and details regarding your order. This data is used to administer sales invoices and create shipping labels. Your personal information is transmitted and stored securely. WebIQ and Goedgepickt are bound to secrecy and will treat your data confidentially. WebIQ and GoedGepickt will not use your personal data for any other purpose than described above.

    Click here for WebIQ 's Privacy Policy.
    Click here for
    GoedGepickt's Privacy Policy.

  • Your account
    In your account we store, among other things, the following information: your name, address(es), phone number, e-mail address, order and payment information. Handy, because then you don't have to enter these details every time and you can easily find information about previous orders.

  • Customer service
    You can call and email us. To help you quickly with questions, we use your information and sometimes make notes that we save. Useful if you call us again.

  • Newsletters
    You can sign up for our newsletters that we send out via Mailchimp. This keeps you informed of our offers, promotions and our news. We only have general newsletters that we send to the email address we receive from you. Usually an email address in combination with a first and last name is stored - this allows us to address you more personally in the newsletter, we like that. MailChimp will never use your name and email address for its own purposes. At the bottom of every email sent automatically through our website you will see the "unsubscribe" link. After you press it you will no longer receive our newsletter. Your personal data are stored securely by MailChimp. MailChimp uses cookies and other internet technologies that provide insight into whether emails are opened and read. MailChimp reserves the right to use your data to further improve its services and to share information with third parties as part of this process.

    Click here for Mailchimp's Privacy Policy.

  • Reviews
    We love reviews! And so do our customers. Reviews are reliable, because you can only post a review when you have actually ordered this product. We like to show our customers your personal experience when they view the product in question, showing not only your message and posting date but also your first name and the rating you have given the product. Behind the scenes, we can see who posted the review because it is linked to your personal account.

    We can also invite you - by e-mail via our partner WebwinkelKeur - to give a review on our website and services. This is done through an external platform. When you leave a review via that platform, you are required to provide your name and email address. Our partner WebwinkelKeur shares this information with us, so we can link the review to your order. WebwinkelKeur also publishes your name and place of residence on their own website and in some cases they may contact you to ask for an explanation of the review. In case we invite you to leave a review we share your name and email address with these partners. Our partner uses this information for the sole purpose of inviting you to leave a review. WebwinkelKeur has appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal information. WebwinkelKeur reserves the right to use third parties for the provision of services, for this we have given permission to this partner. All in the passage mentioned guarantees with regard to the protection of your personal data also apply to those parts of the service for which WebwinkelKeur engages third parties.

    Click here for WebwinkelKeur's Privacy Policy.

  • Guestbook
    We like it when you write something in our guestbook; a funny anecdote, your experience with our service or anything you like and is related to Dutch Designers Outlet. We keep track of who writes which guestbook entry and display it, with your first name, publicly on our website, this message is visible to everyone.

  • Improving our store and service
    We are constantly improving our service. Therefore, we may use some personal data to analyze it. Think of your location data and surfing behavior on our website. We collect this data using cookie techniques. Sometimes others perform this analysis for us. In most cases the data is processed anonymously, when that is not the case the other party must of course comply with our privacy rules. You can read more about our cookie use here.

    We work with Microsoft Clarity and Microsoft Advertising to record how you use and interact with our website using behavioral statistics, heatmaps and session replay to improve our website. Website usage data is captured using first- and third-party cookies and other tracking technologies to determine the popularity of products and online activities. In addition, we use this information for site optimization and fraud/security purposes. For more information about how Microsoft collects and uses your information, please visit Microsoft's Privacy Statement.

  • Fraud
    Nobody wants fraud, and neither do we. That's why we use customer data to investigate, prevent and stop fraud. If necessary, we provide customer data to the authorities.

  • External Sales Channels
    We sell (some of) our products through the platform of If you place an order via this platform, shares your order and personal data with us. We use this information to process your order. We treat your data confidentially and have implemented appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your data from loss and unauthorized use.


What do we not do with your data?
We never use your data to show you different prices from other customers. All our customers see the same prices for our items and products. We also never sell your information to others.

Right of inspection
You always have the right to inspect the data that we process or have processed and that relate to you as a person or that can be traced back to you. You can make a request to that effect by contacting our customer service by e-mail. You will receive a response to your request within 30 days. If your request is granted, we will send you a copy of all data together with an overview of the processors holding this data, stating the category under which we have stored this data, at the e-mail address known to us.

Rectification right
You always have the right to have the data we process (or have processed) that relates to you as a person or can be traced back to you, rectified. In most cases you can do this yourself via your account. If that is not possible, you can make a request to that effect by contacting our customer service by e-mail.

You will receive a response to your request within 30 days. If your request is granted, we will send you a confirmation that the data has been changed at the e-mail address known to us.

Right to restrict processing
You always have the right to restrict the data we process (or have processed) that relates to you as a person or can be traced back to you. You can make a request to this effect by contacting our customer service by e-mail.

You will receive a response to your request within 30 days. If your request is granted, we will send you a confirmation at the e-mail address known to us that the data will no longer be processed until you revoke the restriction.

Right to portability
You always have the right to have the data we process (or have processed) that relates to you as a person or can be traced back to you by another party. You can make a request to this effect by contacting our customer service by e-mail.

You will receive a response to your request within 30 days. If your request is granted, we will send you copies or copies of all data about you that we have processed or that have been processed by other processors or third parties on our behalf at the e-mail address known to us. In such a case, it is likely that we will no longer be able to continue to provide our services, because the secure connection of data files can no longer be guaranteed.

Right of objection and other rights
You have the right, where applicable, to object to the processing of your personal data by or on behalf of us. If you object, we will immediately cease processing your personal data pending the resolution of your objection. If your objection is well-founded, we will make copies and/or copies of the data we process (or have processed) available to you and thereafter cease processing permanently. You also have the right not to be subjected to automated individual decision-making or profiling. We do not process your data in such a way that this right applies. If you believe that it does, please contact our customer service by e-mail.

To make sure this website works properly and you enjoy shopping we use cookies. More information about cookies can be found here.