Good day fine reader, nice to welcome you here to a new college of Dutch Designers Outlet her Lingerie and Swimwear expert. When you are pregnant, a lot of things come your way. From baby names, midwives to cribs. Your partner can take a lot of work off your hands and you can discuss many things together. Together you grow in the process. But more is growing! Do you know how many cup sizes you get bigger during your pregnancy?
Your breasts prepare for breastfeeding when you're pregnant
During your pregnancy, your body faces many changes. Especially in the first and second trimesters. Your breasts not only grow in size, but also the breast structure changes. All in preparation for breastfeeding. All these changes can be accompanied by an increase in sensitivity and discomfort at your nipples. A good maternity bra helps you reduce these discomforts. It offers you the right support and adapts to your changing body.
How many cup sizes do breasts grow during pregnancy?
Your breasts can grow quite a bit during your pregnancy. On average, they grow one to two cup sizes larger. In some cases, even more! So it's quite normal if your bras suddenly no longer fit. Time to shop for a new size! Although this can be quite a labor in itself, it's really not the end of the world. In this blog, I'll give you helpful tips!
The difference between a maternity bra and a nursing bra
Do you know the difference between a maternity bra and a nursing bra? A maternity bra is designed to support your breasts during pregnancy. A nursing bra offers the same support, but has convenient clips for breastfeeding. Those clips are attached to the cups. This allows you to expose one breast without having to loosen or take off your bra. Both bras are made of soft fabric and offer room for growth.
In what week of your pregnancy should you buy a bra?
The big question then is, in what week do you buy a maternity bra? An exact moment cannot be named. It depends mainly on the growth of your breasts. You can assume that you need to buy a maternity bra in the second trimester of your pregnancy. Your breasts and belly grow a lot, so extra support is no luxury. Do not wait too long, because discomfort can lead to complaints such as itching or pain.
Tips for choosing the right size
When buying a maternity bra, it is important to consider continued growth. Choose a bra that is comfortable at the tightest setting. This will give you room to increase the size as your body changes. Choose a bra that is made of elastic material and a breathable fabric. This will give you extra comfort. Read my blog"The importance of calculating the right bra size" to determine the right size.
Why a maternity bra without underwire?
Many women choose a bra without underwire during pregnancy. This prevents pinching and gives your body room to grow. An underwire can put pressure on the breast tissue, which is uncomfortable during this period. A soft, supportive bra without underwire is nice to wear during your pregnancy.
Can breasts stay bigger after pregnancy?
A common question is whether your breasts stay bigger after pregnancy. In some cases, they do. When you breastfeed, your breasts often stay fuller in shape. After stopping breastfeeding, they may shrink again, but sometimes they keep a little extra volume. It varies from woman to woman, and it depends a lot on factors such as heredity and age.
Pamper yourself with beautiful lingerie
Who says a maternity bra has to be boring? Brands like Anita Maternity and Cake Maternity offer beautiful bras that are both comfortable and stylish. And good news: at Dutch Designers Outlet we have a 3 get 2 pay offer. This way you make a nice deal in expensive times. Wear during your pregnancy proudly a bra from, for example, Marlies Dekkers or Naturana.
When to buy nursing bra?
After many weeks of pregnancy, the birth of your baby comes into view. When the baby finally arrives, of course you want to be tip-top prepared. When you start breastfeeding, a nursing bra is part of that. I give you tips in my blog"When to buy a nursing bra". About what to look for, but also when it's best to buy one.
A few final tips for you as an expectant mother
Enjoy being pregnant and enjoy your baby on the way. But prevention is better than cure. So take good care of yourself. You do this by choosing the right maternity bra. You will experience a world of difference! At least in terms of comfort. Also take good care of your maternity bra. Washing your bra properly will prevent damage and will keep it comfortable. It's a good idea to read my blog"How to wash bra?" at your leisure.