How often to wash bra, tips to keep hair nice and fresh

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SYST - Author - Monique van Beek

Monique van Beek

Lingerie en Badmode expert

Ik ben al bijna 20 jaar trotse eigenaar van ons familiebedrijf Dutch Designers Outlet waarbij we met betaalbare lingerie jouw persoonlijke garderobe verrijken. Ik heb grote ambities en grote dromen, en soms komen deze gelukkig ook nog uit.

Ik draag het liefste sneakers, Ook onder een feestjurk. Niet omdat ik hoge hakken niet mooi vind, maar omdat het zo moeilijk danst en ik graag door het leven huppel en dans.

Helemaal mezelf zijn en een vrouw een goed en positief gevoel bezorgen door haar de juiste en goed passende lingerie te laten ervaren bezorgt mij het ultieme gevoel van YES!

Verrijken kun je breed zien; in modellen, kleuren en kwaliteit. Dit omdat we nauw contact hebben met onze leveranciers zoals Marlies Dekkers, LingaDore en After Eden. Maar ook in verrijking van comfort. Kom je er niet uit, help ik je graag persoonlijk op weg via de telefoon of mail. Ik spar graag met je wanneer je er niet uitkomt bij het uitzoeken van jouw maat of model bh of badmode.

sep 7, 2024

Good day fine reader, nice to welcome you here to a new college of Dutch Designers Outlet its Lingerie and swimwear expert. In this blog we will discuss how often bra washing is actually necessary. It is a question every woman wonders and the answer depends on several factors. For example, hygiene and the preservation of the bra itself. We will go into detail about how often you should wash your bra, from a hygiene point of view, but also to prolong the life of your bra. And of course we also discuss the advantages and disadvantages of washing too often or too little.

Washing too often can harm your bra

The lifespan of your bra is shortened if you wash it too often. This is because your bra is made of fragile material with elastic properties. Repeated washing causes your bra to lose this elasticity and thus its shape. When the shape is out of your bra, you have a less comfortable fit. It also affects the supportiveness and if you have a bra with underwire, it can poke out more easily.

Too little washing poses hygienic risks

On the other hand, too little washing can lead to hygiene problems. Sweat, oils and dead skin cells from the body can accumulate in the fabric of your bra, which can lead to bacterial growth and skin irritations. This will not only cause an unpleasant odor, but also irritate your skin and even cause inflammation. Therefore, make sure to wash your bra on time to avoid these problems.

How often should you wash a bra?

From a hygiene point of view, it is important to wash your bra regularly. It is advisable to wash a bra after 3 to 4 wears. How often bra washing is necessary for good hygiene depends, of course, on how quickly you sweat or how sensitive your skin is. If you are prone to irritation, it may be wise to wash your bra a little more often. From the perspective that you want to keep the quality of your bra optimal for a long time, in my opinion it is better to put energy into the way of washing, rather than skipping a wash.

Tips for keeping your bra beautiful

Over the years, I've tried, seen and heard all kinds of ways on how to keep your bra beautiful for a long time. For example, the way you fold and store them plays a role in that. Instead of folding the cups inward, it's better to leave them in their natural shape. Stack the bras neatly instead of folding them into a drawer. This will prevent deformation of the cups and ensure that your bra retains its support and shape. Another tip - especially for expensive bras - is to protect your bras with a towel. This helps protect them from rubbing with other garments from direct sunlight which can cause discoloration.

Remember that love for your lingerie starts with proper care. So you give this care with the way you store your bra, but also with the way you wear and wash it. Washing plays a big role in preserving your lingerie anyway. Let's briefly elaborate on that.

Bra washing by hand

The safest way to keep your bra beautiful is to wash it by hand. Fill a container with lukewarm water and add a mild detergent. Soak your bras for a while so that dirt and oils are loosened. Be careful when washing; squeeze the bras gently rather than rubbing them. Never use hot water, as this can fade the color and damage the elastic straps.

After washing, you can lay the bra on a towel and gently squeeze out excess water. Then let your bra air dry, preferably lying down to avoid distortion. Do you have a special fashion-statement bra? That one may require extra care and attention, so be kind to your lingerie!

Bra machine washing

If you are short on time and decide against all advice (read the label carefully) to wash your bra in the washing machine, take at least a few precautions. Washing a bra without a laundry bag is out of the question. You wash a bra in a laundry bag (or in an old pillowcase, if necessary) to prevent damage to the fabric and underwires. It prevents your lingerie from getting stuck between other garments or rubbing against the drum. Set the washing machine on a delicate cycle and use a low temperature. Again, a mild detergent remains the best choice to preserve the color and shape of your bra.

Don't put your bra in dryer

One of the biggest mistakes you can make is putting your bra in the dryer. The heat can cause the elasticity of the straps to disappear and the fabric to shrink. This can seriously damage the shape and fit of your bra. It is best to air dry your bras, as mentioned earlier, on a towel or on a rack. Make sure they lie flat and avoid hanging by the straps, as this can stretch them.

By following these few simple tips and tricks, your lingerie will stay in top condition longer. Treat your bra like it's the love an your life and make sure you always use a laundry bag when you do put it in the washing machine. In my blog"How to Wash Bra?" I dive much deeper into this topic and address all kinds of questions.

Sports bras are an exception to how often to wash bra

A different rule applies to sports bras. Because you tend to sweat a lot more during exercise, it is recommended that you wash your sports bra after each workout. The fact that sports bras are made of technical, quick-drying material does not affect this. That only ensures comfort during and shortly after exercise. By washing sports bras frequently, you prevent bacteria from accumulating and so you won't suffer from unpleasant odors. It is good to know that sports bras also suffer with each wash. It can affect the elasticity and thus affect the fit and supportiveness.

The conclusion of how often to wash bra

Washing too often can shorten the life of your bra, while washing too little can cause hygiene problems. When you wash a bra too often, the fibers of the fabric and elastic can wear out faster. On the other hand, if you don't wash your bra often enough, bacteria and oils can accumulate, leading to skin problems and an unpleasant odor. So the bottom line is that it is important to strike a good balance when considering how often bra washing is wise.

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SYST - Author - Monique van Beek

Monique van Beek

Lingerie en Badmode expert

Ik ben al bijna 20 jaar trotse eigenaar van ons familiebedrijf Dutch Designers Outlet waarbij we met betaalbare lingerie jouw persoonlijke garderobe verrijken. Ik heb grote ambities en grote dromen, en soms komen deze gelukkig ook nog uit.

Ik draag het liefste sneakers, Ook onder een feestjurk. Niet omdat ik hoge hakken niet mooi vind, maar omdat het zo moeilijk danst en ik graag door het leven huppel en dans.

Helemaal mezelf zijn en een vrouw een goed en positief gevoel bezorgen door haar de juiste en goed passende lingerie te laten ervaren bezorgt mij het ultieme gevoel van YES!

Verrijken kun je breed zien; in modellen, kleuren en kwaliteit. Dit omdat we nauw contact hebben met onze leveranciers zoals Marlies Dekkers, LingaDore en After Eden. Maar ook in verrijking van comfort. Kom je er niet uit, help ik je graag persoonlijk op weg via de telefoon of mail. Ik spar graag met je wanneer je er niet uitkomt bij het uitzoeken van jouw maat of model bh of badmode.